+36-70-706-6283 vetaneszt@gmail.com

Állatorvosoknak és állattartóknak


Magyar nyelvű publikációk állatorvosoknak:

  1. Ambriskó T. Keringésélettan az aneszteziológus szemével. Kamarai Állatorvos 2008;1:26-28.
  2. Ambriskó T. Légzésélettan az aneszteziológus szemével. Kamarai Állatorvos 2008;2:22-25.
  3. Ambriskó T. A fájdalomérzékelés élettana az aneszteziológus szemével. Kamarai Állatorvos 2008;3:10-12.
  4. Ambriskó T. Ópioid fájdalomcsillapítók. Kamarai Állatorvos 2008;4:4-9.
  5. Ambriskó T. Nem-szteroid gyulladásgátlók (NSAID-ek). Kamarai Állatorvos 2009;1:24-26.
  6. Ambriskó T. Helyi érzéstelenítő gyógyszerek. Kamarai Állatorvos 2009;2:24-26.
  7. Ambriskó T. Helyi érzéstelenítő technikák: 1. rész. Kamarai Állatorvos 2009;3:16-19.
  8. Ambriskó T. Helyi érzéstelenítő technikák: 2. rész. Kamarai Állatorvos 2009;4:14-16.
  9. Ambriskó T. A beteg előkészítése az altatásra. Kamarai Állatorvos 2010;1:20-23.
  10. Ambriskó T. A krónikus fájdalom megelőzése és kezelése. Kamarai Állatorvos 2010;2:14-17.
  11. Ambriskó T. Premedikáció: 1. rész. Kamarai Állatorvos 2010;3:20-22.
  12. ​​​​​Ambriskó T. Premedikáció: 2. rész. Kamarai Állatorvos 2010;4:20-24.
  13. Ambriskó T. Barotrauma az altatás alatt. Kamarai Állatorvos 2022;2:46-50.

A szerzői jogot nem adtam át a lapoknak, hanem megtartottam magamnak (Ambriskó Tamás). A dokumentumok tartalmát nem szabad megváltoztatni és a fájlokat máshol elérhetővé tenni. Engedélyezett azonban a dokumentumok kinyomtatása otthoni használatra, esetleg az állatorvosi rendelőkben kinyomtatva azokat a vendégek számára (pl. a váróban) elérhetővé lehet tenni.

Angol nyelvű tudományos publikációk:

  1. Sage AM, Ambrisko TD, Martins FDC, Dantino SC, Keating SCJ, Strahl-Heldreth DE, Wilkins PA (2021) Evaluation of fingertip pulse oximeters for monitoring haemoglobin oxygen saturation in arterial blood and pulse rate in isoflurane‐anaesthetised horses breathing greater than 90 percent oxygen. Equine Vet Educ, In print. 
  2. Ioannou A, Phillips H, Keating S, Barger A, Lopez-Villalobos N, Wilson M, Dillonaire A, Silveston-Keith R, Ambrisko TD, Gal A. (2021) Blood-to-saliva glucose time lag in sedated healthy dogs. J Vet Diagn Invest, 33(6):1147-1150. 
  3. Ambrisko TD, Dantino SC, Keating SCJ, Strahl-Heldreth DE, Sage AM, Martins FDC, Harper TAM and Wilkins PA. (2021) Repeatability and accuracy of fingertip pulse oximeters for measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in arterial blood and pulse rate in anesthetized dogs breathing 100% oxygen. Am J Vet Res, 82(4):268-273. 
  4. Ambrisko TD, Gal A, Sarol Jr. JN, Mitek AE and Braun C, (2021) Quantification of reservoir bags as airway pressure-limiting devices in a nonrebreathing system, Vet Anaesth Analg, 48: 205-212. 
  5. Keating SC, Sage AM, Ambrisko TD et al. (2020) The effect of midazolam or lidocaine administration prior to etomidate induction of anesthesia on heart rate, arterial pressure, intraocular pressure and serum cortisol concentration in healthy dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg. 47(2):160-167. 
  6. Hopster K, Ambrisko TD, Kästner SBR (2017) Influence of catecholamines at different dosages on the function of the LiDCO sensor in isoflurane anesthetized horses. J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio). 27(6):651-657. 
  7. Ambrisko TD, Schramel JP, Auer U, Moens YPS (2017) Impact of four different recumbencies on the distribution of ventilation in conscious or anaesthetized spontaneously breathing beagle dogs: An electrical impedance tomography study. PLoS One 12: e0183340.
  8. Ambrisko TD, Schramel J, Hopster K, Kastner S, Moens Y (2017) Assessment of distribution of ventilation and regional lung compliance by electrical impedance tomography in anaesthetized horses undergoing alveolar recruitment manoeuvres. Vet Anaesth Analg 44: 264-272.
  9. Ambrisko TD, Schramel JP, Adler A, Kutasi O, Makra Z, et al. (2016) Assessment of distribution of ventilation by electrical impedance tomography in standing horses. Physiol Meas 37: 175-186.
  10. Hopster K, Ambrisko TD, Stahl J, Schramel JP, Kastner SB (2015) Influence of xylazine on the function of the LiDCO sensor in isoflurane anaesthetized horses. Vet Anaesth Analg 42: 142-149.
  11. Schramel JP, Wimmer K, Ambrisko TD, Moens YP (2014) A novel flow partition device for spirometry during large animal anaesthesia. Vet Anaesth Analg 41: 191-195.
  12. Rudolff AS, Moens YP, Driessen B, Ambrisko TD (2014) Comparison of an infrared anaesthetic agent analyser (Datex-Ohmeda) with refractometry for measurement of isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane concentrations. Vet Anaesth Analg 41: 386-392.
  13. Moens Y, Schramel JP, Tusman G, Ambrisko TD, Sola J, et al. (2014) Variety of non-invasive continuous monitoring methodologies including electrical impedance tomography provides novel insights into the physiology of lung collapse and recruitment – case report of an anaesthetized horse. Vet Anaesth Analg 41: 196-204.
  14. Andrukhova O, Slavic S, Zeitz U, Riesen SC, Heppelmann MS, Ambrisko TD, et al. (2014) Vitamin D is a regulator of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and arterial stiffness in mice. Mol Endocrinol 28: 53-64.
  15. Ambrisko TD, Moens Y (2014) Voltage changes in the lithium dilution cardiac output sensor after exposure to blood from horses given xylazine. Br J Anaesth 112: 367-369.
  16. Ambrisko TD, Lammer V, Schramel JP, Moens YP (2014) In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a new large animal spirometry device using mainstream CO2 flow sensors. Equine Vet J 46: 507-511.
  17. Russold E, Ambrisko TD, Schramel JP, Auer U, Van Den Hoven R, et al. (2013) Measurement of tidal volume using respiratory ultrasonic plethysmography in anaesthetized, mechanically ventilated horses. Vet Anaesth Analg 40: 48-54.
  18. Rocchi A, Ambrisko TD, Moens Y (2013) Effect of dexmedetomidine vs. acepromazine-methadone premedication on limb to lung circulation time in dogs. Vet J 195: 357-360.
  19. Ambrisko TD, Kabes R, Moens Y (2013) Influence of drugs on the response characteristics of the LiDCO sensor: an in vitro study. Br J Anaesth 110: 305-310.
  20. Sarchahi AA, de Arespacochaga AG, Partej M, Ambrisko TD, Pakozdy A (2012) Iron deficiency anemia and seizure in a kitten. Iran J Vet Res 13: 259-262.
  21. Dorfelt R, Ambrisko TD, Moens Y (2012) Influence of fentanyl on intra-abdominal pressure during laparoscopy in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg 39: 390-397.
  22. Ambrisko TD, Coppens P, Kabes R, Moens Y (2012) Lithium dilution, pulse power analysis, and continuous thermodilution cardiac output measurements compared with bolus thermodilution in anaesthetized p onies. Br J Anaesth 109: 864-869.
  23. Sare H, Ambrisko TD, Moens Y (2011) Occupational exposure to isoflurane during anaesthesia induction with standard and scavenging double masks in dogs, pigs and ponies. Lab Anim 45: 191-195.
  24. Ambrisko TD, Klide AM (2011) Accuracy of isoflurane, halothane, and sevoflurane vaporizers during high oxygen flow and at maximum vaporizer dial setting. Am J Vet Res 72: 751-756.
  25. Ambrisko TD, Klide AM (2011) Comparison of use of an infrared anesthetic gas monitor and refractometry for measurement of anesthetic agent concentrations. Am J Vet Res 72: 1299-1304.
  26. Ambrisko TD, Johnson CB, Chambers P (2011) Effect of alfaxalone infusion on the electroencephalogram of dogs anaesthetized with halothane. Vet Anaesth Analg 38: 529-535.
  27. Ambrisko TD, Coppens P, Moens Y (2011) Continuous versus intermittent thermodilution for cardiac output measurement during alveolar recruitment manoeuvres in sheep. Vet Anaesth Analg 38: 423-430.
  28. Ambrisko TD, Sleeper MM, Driessen B (2008) ECG of the month. Arrythmia. J Am Vet Med Assoc 233: 1548-1550.
  29. Ambrisko TD, Klide AM (2006) Evaluation of isoflurane and sevoflurane vaporizers over a wide range of oxygen flow rates. Am J Vet Res 67: 936-940.
  30. Ambrisko TD, Hikasa Y, Sato K (2005) Influence of medetomidine on stress-related neurohormonal and metabolic effects caused by butorphanol, fentanyl, and ketamine administration in dogs. Am J Vet Res 66: 406-412.
  31. Ambrisko TD, Nemeth T (2004) A computer program for calculation of doses and prices of injectable medications based on body weight or body surface area. Can J Vet Res 68: 62-65.
  32. Ambrisko TD, Hikasa Y (2003) The antagonistic effects of atipamezole and yohimbine on stress-related neurohormonal and metabolic responses induced by medetomidine in dogs. Can J Vet Res 67: 64-67.
  33. Ambrisko TD, Hikasa Y (2002) Neurohormonal and metabolic effects of medetomidine compared with xylazine in beagle dogs. Can J Vet Res 66: 42-49.